Independent Schools

ISBA Directory Partner 2024Assurity Consulting has been working with independent schools over the last decade offering services such as:

  • Access audits
  • Asbestos management
  • Assurity Plus 2.0 property risk management software
  • Closed water system management
  • Computer room environment management
  • Environmental management
  • Fire safety management
  • Food safety management
  • Health and safety management
  • ISO 14001 and environment management
  • Legionella management
  • Occupancy comfort assessments
  • Safe school assessment
  • School specific 'inset' training
  • Water hygiene management
  • Workplace environmental assessments covering;
    • Occupancy comfort
    • Indoor air quality
    • Water systems
    • Hygiene standards
    • Computer rooms


Expert assessment

Expert assessment

  • Consultants trained, qualified and experienced in the management of all areas of health and safety compliance management;
  • We have a detailed understanding of buildings, your legal requirements and best practice; and
  • Our own UKAS accredited laboratory so you get traceability and consistency of service from sample to result.
Flexible service

Flexible service

We are happy to work after hours or when your school is on holiday. Similarly, depending on the size and focus of your school, we can agree on the subset of our services that you need.

Confident compliance

Confident compliance

Legislation is complex and binding. Retaining Assurity Consulting gives you the confidence that your school environment is safe and compliant.

Impartial advice

Impartial advice

The fact that our consultants do not offer remedial services gives them the freedom to focus totally on your situation and your needs, now and into the future.

Cost savings

Cost savings

Our impartial advice on your individual situation delivers many opportunities for cost savings and the avoidance of unnecessary expenditure.

Assurity Consulting strip orange

Independent Schools

Pastoral care in independent schools presents a wide range of different challenges, risks, and opportunities. We can help you demonstrate the right levels of compliance, cost effectiveness and care, and demonstrate those qualities to staff, students and parents. Please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

Get in touch

Customer testimonials

St Josephs College logo

St Joseph's College

"I can’t fault the service I get from my regular consultant or from the specialist services we use over our review cycle from Assurity Consulting. Assurity Plus 2.0, property compliance management software, is also a real help to our management of health and safety."

- Anthony Leggett, Bursar, St Joseph's College

Latest articles

A response update from the London Fire Brigade

From 1st October 2024, the London Fire Brigade will no longer immediately respond to automatic fire alarms in most non-residential buildings, including offices and industrial estates, between 07:00 and 20:30, unless a fire is confirmed by a call from an individual.

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