Safe School Assessments

Safeguarding the safety and wellbeing of students and staff is not just a legal requirement. Health and safety is rarely black and white and more often than not there is no definite answer. However, you need to strike the right balance, so that the real risks are managed and learning opportunities are experienced to the full.

Our safe school assessments can:ISBA Directory Partner 2024

  • Reassure parents that their children are receiving the best care from your school;
  • Confirm to your Board of Governors and other stakeholders that your school’s reputation is protected;
  • Give you the evidence you need that your health and safety compliance is firmly in place, putting your mind at rest; and
  • Provide clear advice on where any improvement is needed and how to achieve this.

As a Bursar or Estates Manager, we understand that the responsibility for managing health and safety is only “one part” of your very broad job role. Factor in changing legislation and the need to actively manage your health and safety compliance, and there is always much to consider.

Why consider a Safe School Assessment?

An independent audit of your health and safety procedures is an excellent way of auditing your current position. Our assessments will put your mind at rest and support you with “getting to grips” with your compliance and understanding the full depth of what you need to do or reassure you that your compliance is fully in place.

It can also save you time and money on your resource. You will be advised on exactly what you need to do and how to do it with a recommended priority of actions. In turn, you can focus your time and resource to get them completed. The outcome will help you to demonstrate a proactive health and safety management strategy for your school.

An Assurity Consulting Safe School Assessment audits your school’s current status in terms of health and safety management and verifies that appropriate policies and procedures are in place. We achieve this by spending time with you and engaging with the relevant stakeholders.

What will you receive?

A health and safety inspection of your premises is carried out, available documentation is examined, and interviews are arranged and held with appropriate academic and support staff. For example, we will speak to the heads of departments for key high-risk subjects such as science, design technology, and art. In addition, we look at the risks involved in specific areas relevant to you and your school, such as asbestos, fire, Legionella, school trips, and traffic control.

The result will be a bespoke service and reports that are personally presented to you and tailored to your individual needs. The report can also be fully integrated into our online compliance management solution Assurity Plus 2.0 to view the real-time progress of your allocated actions, simplify the way you work, demonstrate greater compliance control, have useable management reporting, and enhanced visibility of risks.


Tailored advice

Tailored advice

You will always have a single point of contact with one of our consultants, and they will give you logical recommendations based on what we find at your school.

Breadth of expertise

Breadth of expertise

With a breadth of expertise across a wide area of subjects such as health and safety, asbestos, fire, Legionella and the environment we have a detailed understanding of educational establishments. To enable us to provide clear, proportionate advice.

Industry knowledge

Industry knowledge

We have worked with many different independent schools across the UK and Europe. We are also active within the ISBA (Independent School Bursar’s Association) and annually support their conferences as a means of keeping up to date with the current industry trends and issues.

Flexible approach

Flexible approach

We will take personal responsibility to make sure you are protected. We will get back to you with progress and give you practical ideas of how you can achieve compliance within your environment.

Peace of mind

Peace of mind

Our consultants will deliver objective, independent advice to your staff to help them work in an effective way, safeguarding you, your stakeholders and your pupils.


What is included in a Safe School Assessment?

Safe School Assessment Logo

Safe School Assessments

If you would like expert, independent advice on health and safety within your school, please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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