Our services

Managing and operating a workplace is complex. It requires a range of skills and disciplines and the production, interpretation and reporting of diverse sets of information for a host of different stakeholders. It is also one of the only areas of an organisation’s activities where errors can lead to significant health and environmental damage.

Formed over 35 years ago, and focused solely on operational buildings, our services have been designed to provide those people with the responsibility for premises and estates peace of mind for their workplace health, safety and environmental risk management.

We do this by offering a comprehensive suite of independent solutions at a strategic, tactical and operational level, such as:

  • Management or policy reviews;
  • Risk assessments;
  • Training;
  • Indoor environment quality programmes;
  • Support and management time; and
  • Specialist system or service audits.

Each of our solutions is tailored to you and your needs and delivered by a trained and qualified specialist. So, whether it is:

 Access Audit Logo


Logo Final PNG

Assurity Plus 2.0

Asbestos Logo

Asbestos Management

Closed Water System Logo

Closed Water System Management

Computer Rooms Logo

Computer Room Management

Environment Logo

Environmental Management

Fire Logo

Fire Safety Management

Food Safety Logo

Food Safety Management

Health and Safety Logo

Health and Safety Management

Indoor Air Quality Logo

Indoor Air Quality Management

Legionella Logo

Legionella Management

Noise Logo

Noise Management

Occupancy Comfort Logo

Occupancy Comfort (temperature, relative humidity, airflow, light)

Water Quality Logo

Water Quality and Hygiene Management

Safe School Assessment Logo

Safe School Assessment

Workplace Environmental Assessment Logo

Workplace Environmental Assessments

As an expert, independent consultancy, we deliver the information you need together with (and as required) realistic recommendations you can act upon, to help you to manage the:

  • Level of your compliance with legislation;
  • Cost-effectiveness of your systems;
  • Comfort of your employees; and
  • Confidence of your management team.