The campus is situated near the Sussex Downs on a cliff overlooking Brighton Marina. Since 2013, Roedean School has had a lot of growth in terms of school population size, the school now has up to 500 pupils and is looking to expand further. 

Before the school worked with Assurity Consulting they managed health and safety
in-house and Richard Poffley, Director of Finance and Administration wanted to move away from the self-monitoring process they had in place and bring all of their health and safety under one service provider. By doing this the management team and the Governors at Roedean now have the reassurance that they are managing their health and safety compliance in the right way and that they have a safe environment. Assurity Consulting were also selected as they have experience working within the school environment and they have given confidence to the in-house health and safety team. Vital to Richard was the independent view of their health and safety from Assurity Consulting, where even having the best staff with the best training internally, the independent external verification helps to diminish any risks.

Assurity Consulting provides assessments alongside Assurity Plus, their online compliance management solution, that enables Richard to have a “one-stop-shop” for compliance at Roedean. This allows them to record everything within one system and receive easy to understand information about Roedean’s compliance in various areas within the school. Assurity Consulting has developed a working partnership with Roedean, where any issues are dealt with in a very personal way, and the teamwork approach works to make that partnership stronger.

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