Asbestos Management

Asbestos is one of the most legislated areas of compliance. Specific duties are placed on those responsible for running or occupying buildings, as well as those who remove asbestos from them. Managing asbestos is about the long-term demonstration of statutory compliance and that forms the basis of our services.

Our team of qualified asbestos consultants (minimum P402) has been at the forefront of proactive asbestos management in partnership with our customers since before the 2004 regulatory changes.

Management of asbestos is all about knowledge, so the information you hold must be kept up to date and made available to anyone who may work or disturb the asbestos-containing material (ACM). Regular reviews and condition assessments must form a key part of your strategy. Training of all relevant personnel is another specific requirement and is the responsibility of the duty holder.


  • Asbestos management reviews
  • Asbestos management surveys
  • Asbestos risk assessments
  • Asbestos management systems 
  • Asbestos condition assessment
  • Asbestos bulk sampling
  • RoSPA assured asbestos awareness and management training for both senior management and staff

​Our asbestos consultancy can also guarantee to give you an independent viewpoint and impartial advice you can trust, as we do not offer any asbestos removal or remedial services.

Our asbestos consultants can also advise you on the use of our online compliance management solution “Assurity Plus” to view the real-time progress of your allocated actions, simplify the way you work, demonstrate greater compliance control, have useable management reporting, and enhanced visibility of risks.

If you need expert, independent advice on your asbestos management, please call us today for a detailed, confidential, and without-obligation discussion of your needs.

Click here to view our independent guide on managing asbestos


Confidence in your compliance

Confidence in your compliance

Asbestos legislation is complex and binding. Retaining Assurity Consulting consultancy services gives you the confidence that your environment is safe and compliant.

Expertise working with you

Expertise working with you

Our minimum P402 qualified asbestos consultants have worked in partnership with organisations of all sizes and sectors since 2004, providing proactive and tailored management advice.



As we do not offer remedial services - i.e. asbestos removal, treatment or assurance testing -  our focus is on your management needs now and into the future.

The right solution

The right solution

By having the understanding and ability to deliver your surveys and support you with your management system and training - all tailored to your situation - you have, in one place a solution that meets your asbestos compliance needs.