Asbestos Management Systems

With asbestos, latency (the time from exposure to disease being recognised) can be anything from 15 to 60 years. Good asbestos management is therefore about planning for the long term.

If you don't have this in mind you can end up constantly reinventing the wheel as well as losing the overall objective of maintaining compliance.

Your management systems don't need to be complicated but do need to incorporate your:

  • Policies;
  • Surveys;
  • Risk assessments;
  • Registers;
  • Training details;
  • Condition assessments;
  • Remedial actions - including treatments and removal as required; and
  • Reviews 

They also need to be a living document that is actively providing you with information on how effective your current management strategy is, or where gaps may exist.

Our asbestos management systems are designed to be bespoke and represent your buildings, policies and processes. By having your system created for you and your circumstances means all the information is accurate, relevant and meaningful - unlike many of the adapted generic systems we see. This means your time is spent on demonstrating compliance not developing "work rounds" or secondary systems to support the deficiencies in the primary.

All our systems are also designed with and for you, which is reflected in their branding, so confusion over ownership is also avoided.