Asbestos Risk Assessments

Your asbestos risk assessment is the document you should be using to direct and manage any asbestos containing materials (ACM) or presumed ACM in your premises. Not to be confused with either a risk assessment for those working on ACM on your behalf or your survey (typically your management assessment in isolation), your asbestos risk assessment combines this material assessment with a priority assessment.

At Assurity Consulting we are aware of the differences and have the trained and qualified consultants you need, to demonstrate that your asbestos management does too.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 through “Managing and working with asbestos” (Approved Code of Practice and guidance L143) paragraph 121 states:

“The dutyholder should ensure that an assessment of the potential risk from the ACMs is made. The assessment should consider the following:

  • The information gathered on the location, amount and condition of the ACM.
  • Is the ACM in a position where it is likely to be disturbed?
  • How much ACM is present?
  • Is there easy access to the ACM?
  • Do people work or move near the ACM in a way that is liable to disturb it, i.e. is it vulnerable to damage?
  • If likely to be disturbed, is it close to areas where people normally work?
  • How many people use the area where the ACM is?
  • Is maintenance, repair or refurbishment work or other activity on the premises likely to be carried out where the ACM is?”

Using the algorithms covering each element you are then able to score and prioritise your activities and so whether you can, for instance, which are in:

  • Good condition and can be left in place and managed;
  • Areas that could lead to them being potentially and easily damaged and so need to be protected or removed; and
  • Poor condition and in need of repair or removal.

Along with your policies, responsibilities, procedures, survey register, records, drawing/floor plans and condition assessments (or removal/other work information), this will then form the basis of your asbestos management.