Enforcement Agency Support

Most of our customers are aware we at Assurity Consulting know their building systems, services and performance better than they do. So, who better to have in your corner when an enforcing agency knocks on the door?

Spending 100% of our time independently auditing and assessing health, safety and environmental conditions in buildings, developing long-term relationships and with dedicated customer service teams, it isn’t by accident we really do understand what your levels of compliance really look like.

To this add historic enforcement experience within our team as well as an understanding of what enforcing officers are looking for from your management, and the result is a combination of invaluable resources.

In the UK, we are seeing a trend away from proactive enforcement visits to more targeted interventions based on historic performance or as a result of an incident. Both ways you need to have to hand all the information the enforcer will request and possibly a whole lot more.

Knowing what is, what isn’t and what might be relevant under these circumstances is not easy but may be key to satisfying any concerns. This is where we can help, not just in gathering the information, but in sitting with you through the visit as an educated support and independent voice. 

So, whether it is a part of a reactive one-off visit, or an already agreed element of the contract scope, using our expertise to support you with any enforcement agency visits/requests you may get makes sense from every aspect.    

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Enforcement Agency Support

If you would like expert, independent advice on health and safety enforcement agency support, please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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