Building Services Statutory Compliance Review

Would you like to know where you currently stand with your building services management and statutory compliance?

Organisations are increasingly subject to greater pressure for “uptime” as well as compliance with statutory regulation where penalties for failure can result in prosecution and potential damage to brand and reputation as well as the bottom line.

Our building services statutory compliance review will show your organisation’s current status against your obligations and highlight any gaps that may exist in your management system.

The review is designed to show you where you are complying with statutory legislation as well as best practice. Our consultants will consider different areas of your site, including lifting equipment, pressure systems, ventilation systems, electrical equipment and process machinery. The review will:

  • identify where improvements can be made so that your management can be optimised;
  • give you an unbiased review of any specialist contractors supporting you to ensure you are getting value for money; and
  • show you how you can improve your planned maintenance regimes to demonstrate compliance.

The report is tailored to your circumstances and personally presented so you have the opportunity to discuss the findings with the person who actually did the work. It can also be fully integrated into our online compliance management solution 'Assurity Plus 2.0', so you have complete control of the process too.

If you want some impartial direct feedback on your building services statutory compliance, whether it’s to get up to date or just to reassure you that you are where you need to be, a review is the best first step.

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Building Service Statutory Compliance Review

If you would like expert, independent advice on a building service statutory compliance review within your building, please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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