Air pollution knows no borders

Published last week (24th November 2023) the European Environment Agency (EEA), briefing titled “Harm to human health from air pollution in Europe: burden of disease 2023” highlights:

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The power of a simple hello

As I rushed to get my train yesterday morning, it became apparent rather quickly, that this commute was going to be a challenge. A delayed train, the merging of two different trains in to one service… this was surely recipe for disaster!

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How can employers make sure that new mothers return to the workplace?

In the UK, 82% of women will be mothers by the time they are 40 years of age. This equates to 43% of the nations’ workforce. Making sure that new mothers return to work is made as easy as possible is important for everyone in the workplace, not just women. 

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HSE have mental health in mind

In an update this week, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have, as part of their Working Minds campaign, developed a free, interactive tool to “help employers prevent stress and support good mental health”.

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REULtide approaching

Further to our previous Insights on the 2nd Feb 2023 and 16th May 2023, we’ve been asked by a number of customers on any updates on the situation with retained EU law (REUL).

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Adverse weather - we have been yellow, and amber warned again

Storm Ciarán, saw the Met Office issue a widespread yellow weather warning on Wednesday, an amber warning for the South of England on Thursday and a yellow warning for parts of Scotland today.

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HSE fatality figures – back to 2016 levels

This year’s statistics from the HSE on the ongoing efforts to reduce work-related fatalities in Great Britain have somewhat plateaued. A total of 135 workers tragically lost their lives because of work-related accidents between April 2022/March 2023.

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A mother’s fight for Bleed Control Kits to be installed throughout the UK - Trigger warning, some people might be upset by the article

On 7th July 2017, Daniel Baird went to a local pub to celebrate his new job with his friends. In the early hours of 8th July 2017, he was fatally stabbed in the heart and bled to death in minutes. He was 26 years old.

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