HSE have mental health in mind

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
10th November 2023

In their comms HSE highlight the “tool provides the simple and effective guidance employers need to take action to meet their legal duties and begin to understand how to include stress in their workplace risk assessments.”

With good mental health a significant factor for employers, the tool should hopefully encourage those, who don’t already have provision in place or want to develop further what they have.

In addition to the long time published Stress management Standards (What are the Management Standards? - Stress - HSE), Working Minds identifies five activities in supporting your risk assessment, these are:

  • Reach out and have conversations;
  • Recognise the signs and causes of stress; 
  • Respond to any risks you’ve identified; 
  • Reflect on actions you’ve agreed and taken; and
  • make it Routine.

The new tool can be found at - New online learning tool helps businesses address work-related stress | HSE Media Centre