PPE Regulations 2022 – do the changes affect you?

The updated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regulations come into force on 6th April 2022. The change is part of the HSE strategy to make sure that workers in the GIG economy have the same health and safety protection in the workplace as traditional employees.

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Are you visiting Data Centre World 2022?

This is the first year that Assurity Consulting is exhibiting at Data Centre World, ExCel London, and with the event fast approaching on 2-3 March, I thought I would share our experience of how we, and I as an account manager, support our existing Data Centre customers.

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Have you cracked the new changes to the Highway code?

Most of us, either for work, privately or both, drive, with the “playbook” for this activity governed by the Highway Code. From Saturday, the 29th Jan 2022, it undergoes some of the biggest changes in many years (with 33 rule changes), which all road users need to be aware of.

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COVID-19 Plan A - Communicate your workplace changes

With the trend in reported COVID-19 cases dropping, we are also staring to see restrictions being eased across the UK. While the timetable for easing is again at a different pace of change for England, Wales, Scotland and Nr Ireland, the topic areas (mainly activities and self isolation) are relatively consistent.

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Food safety and hygiene resources for school years 1-6

A new teaching resource for primary school children has just been launched by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) that will educate young learners about food safety and hygiene.

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Lessons learned in workplace compliance

As we look out hopefully into the brighter, sunlit uplands of the year ahead, I am acutely aware of something that Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said about getting expert advice…

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A Happy New Year for workplace management?

Happy New Year to all! For us, with budgets and planning, the preparations for each new year actually start sometime before the event. Even so, we are now already a week into this one and what an eventful week it has been!

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