Have you cracked the new changes to the Highway code?

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
28th January 2022

The most fundamental change is that in the “hierarchy of road users” (3 rule changes) which puts those most at risk of harm in the event of a collision at the top of this hierarchy, but it doesn’t take away the responsibility on all road users, including the need for pedestrians to behave sensibly. While this change has been reported in various of the media, it is only one of a number including:

  • People crossing the road at junctions (6 rule changes) – priority being given to pedestrians attempting to and crossing roads at junctions;
  • Walking, cycling or riding in shared spaces (4 rule changes) - new guidance on the use of shared routes by people walking, cycling and riding horses;
  • Positioning in the road when cycling (2 rule changes) - as it suggests how cyclists position themselves while using the road including cycling in groups and when passing parked vehicles;
  • Overtaking when driving or cycling (5 rule changes) - for example Rule 129 “You may cross a double-white line if necessary (provided the road is clear) to overtake someone cycling or riding a horse if they are travelling at 10 mph or less.” - provides revised/updated guidance on safe passing speeds and distances when encountering cyclists, pedestrian or horses (riding or horse-drawn vehicles). This also includes clarification that cyclist can now pass slower -moving or stationary traffic on both the left and right hand sides;
  • People cycling at junctions (9 rule changes) – new advice on priorities for people cycling when, turning into or out of a side road and at junctions with or without special cycle facilities;
  • People cycling, riding a horse and driving horse-drawn vehicles on roundabouts (3 rule changes) – should now give priority to people cycling on roundabouts; and
  • Parking, charging and leaving vehicles (1 rule changes) – the use of the “Dutch Reach” (opposite hand) technique is now recommended when leaving vehicles.

More detail on the changes can be found at here. 

So, whether driving for work or not there are several new and changed requirements we now have to be aware of when using the roads in any capacity. How have you informed the drivers in your organisation?