Food safety and hygiene resources for school years 1-6

Ian Woodland 2022

Ian Woodland
Director of Business Services, Assurity Consulting
25th January 2022

Food safety is an area that affects all our lives and so it is important that education starts at an early age. The CIEH materials, which have been designed by a food teacher and leader in food education programmes can help teachers build upon other lessons already covered in classes. The visual resources use easy to understand cartoons and age related vocabulary to provide young learners with essential life skills and also satisfy the core competencies for children and young people aged 5-16 years as set out by the Food Standards Agency. The lessons, which have been split into year groups and contain a PowerPoint presentation with learning objectives on what the lesson will cover can be downloaded for free from

As the UK’s leading independent workplace compliance consultancy and provider of food safety management services we are pleased to promote this new teaching resource offered by the CIEH as we believe it is never too early to learn about the importance of safe food and good hygiene.