HSE seeking your views on work-related ill health

The Health and Safety Executive have launched a survey seeking to find how the tools and resources they provide “help the people who influence how their businesses shape both physical and mental health in the workplace.”

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Asbestos, what is your duty?

The HSE recently launched a campaign called ‘Asbestos – Your duty’, which sets out to remind those who are responsible of their duty to manage the risks associated with asbestos in non-domestic premises.

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How to nail a job interview after graduating university

Nailing a job interview and kickstarting your career can seem like a tall task when you’ve just graduated. How can you stand out during the interview, and showcase that you’re the best person for the job, without being too (understandably) nervous?

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HSE launch asbestos service surveys

Targeting “licensed asbestos removal contractors/asbestos surveyors/asbestos analysts/all organisations who are involved in licensed asbestos work, surveying and sample analysis” the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are launching a series of surveys to start the year off.

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Happy New Year and managing risk is already in the news

At the end of December 2023, I produced a whitepaper looking forward to what 2024 might bring in terms of themes and trends around workplace management. However, I wasn’t expecting to see areas of it materialising within a week of the start of the new year.

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Have a safe and merry Christmas

Christmas for most is a time planned for family, festivities and food. However, it is also the time of year when we see a host of additional risks cause some unplanned issues too.

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Asbestos guidance refreshed - what does your management look like?

Looking to keep the subject high on the agenda for dutyholders, the Health and Safety Executive have revised the asbestos guidance they provide on their website, to include. . Read more

The long-term effects of contaminated land in war zones

Many people understand the dangers of asbestos. But equally, if it is kept in good condition and well managed there is no risk to the health of people who may be in the vicinity of the asbestos containing materials (ACM).

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