Keeping your best foot forward – Concerns over safety shoes

There have been several articles published recently raising concerns over the testing of safety shoes to American Standard; ASTM F2412-18A “Standard Test Methods for Foot Protection”.

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Speed limit changes in Wales

From Sunday 17th September 2023, the national speed limit in Wales for roads with streetlights and no signs showing otherwise, is now 20mph (some roads will remain at 30mph).

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You will, no doubt have seen on the news this week much discussion on Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) and the need for repairs and removal in many schools and other affected buildings.

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Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Poland

At the time of writing, 16 people have died and over 150 further cases have been identified in an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease centred on Rzeszow in the South of Poland.

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Legionnaires’ disease numbers showing increase in Europe

In July 2023, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reported that “in 2021, the EU/EEA witnessed the highest annual notification rate of Legionnaires’ disease to date, with 2.4 cases per 100,000 population.”

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Keeping the right electricity at your events this Summer

While Glastonbury is over for another year, there will still be 100’s of events taking place throughout the UK and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been highlighting the issues, particularly around electricity, in keeping them safe.

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HSE request feedback on their asbestos comms and website

12,000 people a year are estimated to die from work-relayed lung disease. Of these 40% (20% each for mesothelioma and asbestos related lung disease) are caused by previous exposure to asbestos.

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First national Marine and Coastal Wildlife Code launched

Finally, the sun is shining, summer is here and many will be heading to the seaside to enjoy our lovely beaches and coastal environments.

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