HSE request feedback on their asbestos comms and website

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
3rd July 2023

Rightly so, over the years the HSE has run a number of campaigns in relation to the risks associated with asbestos, as well as providing comprehensive information on the subject through its website.

In looking to “understand the impact and usefulness” of their communications HSE has launched a survey for tradespeople to evaluate their current campaign activity.

The link to anonymous and confidential survey is - Working with Asbestos - follow-up survey  (e-bulletin) (office.com)

In considering the usefulness of content and ease of access to asbestos related information on their website, in tandem with the above HSE is also asking for  volunteers for a “short research exercise” they are carrying out, with initial interest to participate being directed through  hse.online@hse.gov.uk

This is an opportunity for us as an industry to provide some valuable feedback to the regulator and help/assist/influence what messaging is best to reduce risk and harm.