Health and safety topping the risk agenda for directors

The trend we’ve been seeing over the last couple of years for greater senior management involvement in matters of health and safety has been echoed by a recent survey, issued jointly by an insurer and law firm.

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Asbestos – is now banned in the United States

A landmark ruling has finally seen asbestos banned in the United States some 25 years after the UK legislation of 1999. The US Environmental Protection Agency announced the comprehensive ban on the 18th March 2024 on chlorine bleach, sodium hydroxide, brake pads and other products that contain asbestos.

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Laptop charging stations in schools – where should you keep them?

With technology advancing at such a fast pace, pupils, and students often require laptops in educational facilities. Laptops are often charged in laptop charging stations, a convenient solution for charging multiple laptops simultaneously and securely. But where should these portable charging stations be kept?

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Nellie Kershaw: What have we learned in 100 years?

Nellie Kershaw was a young textile worker at Turner Brothers Asbestos Company in Rochdale, England. She holds a tragic and significant place in occupational health history. Her story, though heartbreaking, serves as a reminder of the dangers of workplace exposure and the importance of safety regulations.

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Salmonella cases causing increased hospital admissions

Many press sources are highlighting the “all time high” number of hospital admissions caused by Salmonella infections over the last year, with 1,468 recorded between April 2022 and April 2023.

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Our laboratory gets increasing alert to Pseudomonas

Enhancing further our capabilities, Pseudalert has been added to the schedule of our UKAS accreditation.

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WFM and sustainability – The state of play

The 2023 IWFM Sustainability report was launched last week with the nicely provocative title “Win for planet and profit: trust WFMs more and ROI less”.

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Legionnaires’ disease outbreak - US

There have been several concerning Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks over the last year related directly to community water supplies. Usually, we find outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease are linked to a water system within an individual property.

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