Being wise to water

Water is one of those commodities that we tend to take for granted, after all just turn on a tap and out it comes. But from a workplace, facilities and building management perspective there is a lot more to it. From safety and quality to leaks, water can be one of those areas where issues arise if it is not carefully managed.

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COVID-19 - What should you be doing now?

The last couple of months have seen considerable change in the requirements across the UK in relation to COVID-19, with the ongoing removal of restrictions to varying degrees in all Home Nations.

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Breathing space – managing indoor air quality

Not since the days of Sick Building Syndrome has indoor air quality (IAQ) had such scrutiny, or so many commentators and solutions.

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Health and safety - state of the nation

2020-2021 held many challenges for organisations and not just in health and safety, but the topic does remain fundamental to responsible and successfully managed organisations and continues to form part of non-financial risk reporting.

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