A question of hybrid/flexible/remote working

Questions around hybrid/flexible/remote working requirements are being asked by many different people currently, and for a variety of reasons.

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Electric vehicles and fire safety

Recent stats indicate that as of the end of April 2024 there are over 1.75 million electric vehicles (EV) on UK roads (1.1 million battery electric vehicles (BEV) and 655,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles (HEV) (figures from zapmap)).

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Food poisoning and food hygiene

Our insight on the 13th March 2024, highlighted the ‘high number’ of hospital admissions caused by Salmonella infections in England over the last year.

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Indoor air quality - do you need a policy?

Currently, both building environment and wellbeing are very topical issues. Add to this a push by many organisations for people to ‘get back to the office’, are workplace and facilities managers missing an opportunity with indoor air quality (IAQ)?

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Air pollution, air quality and the workplace

Rightly, air quality and air pollution are high priority aspects, nationally and internationally. For decades, we have seen improvements in areas (Sulphur dioxide levels in the UK and the Montreal Protocol for Ozone depleting substances (ODS), are two examples), but increasingly factors both natural and man-made are causing persistent problems.

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The workplace - what’s in store for 2024?

2024 sees the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Over the intervening period, we have seen considerable change to the operating landscape for organisations, and the buildings they operate from. But what does this anniversary year have in store for future developments and influences.

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GB plc – health and safety performance in 2023

Great Britain’s health and safety record is, by most measures, world class. That doesn’t mean we can afford to rest on such a performance. As any safety professional knows take your eyes off it, and it will try and catch you out!

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Radon - what are the risks?

Over the Summer a high-profile prosecution of a school in Bath, has raised questions about radon from organisations wanting to know what they need to do.

Our October whitepaper is taking a closer look at radon and some of the issues around assessing your risk and managing it.

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