What are the workplace management trends to consider for 2023?

The last three years have seen significant change, not only in how our workplaces are used, but in the expectations of those using them.

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New fire legislation Q&A

As a follow up to our whitepaper in August 2022, this month we are taking a further look at the changes in our new fire legislation.

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Enforcing health and safety – What can you expect when a health and safety inspector calls?

Following on from last month’s look at regulatory powers of entry and enforcement, we thought we’d cover some of the other questions that often get asked when an inspector calls or is planning to call.

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Enforcing health and safety – What happens if you don’t let an inspector in or obstruct their activities?

We are all aware that inspectors can potentially visit our organisations at any time to check everything from tax and fire safety to health and safety. But what if you don’t let them in, or during their visit they find something wrong?

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Firing up our new fire legislation

Not since the introduction of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 has the legislative framework around fire seen so much change. The now Fire Safety Act 2021 and Building Safety Act 2022 are consequences of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower in 2017, which facilitated Judith Hackitt’s wider review of building regulations and fire safety between December 2017 to May 2018.

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Hot weather warning – what should we be doing?

The 25th July 2019 saw, to date, the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK, with the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge reaching 38.7°C. If the current weather patterns and reports are anything to go by, this record could be exceeded in the coming days.

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Are the changes about to be rung for asbestos?

Following a government inquiry last year, on 21st April 2022 the Work and Pensions Committee published its report into, ''The Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management.''

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Monkeypox - That was then, this is now...

Where we have fortunately been relatively free of epidemics of contagious illness in the UK over recent decades, now in the wake of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic we are seeing an outbreak of monkeypox occur.

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