Safer season’s greeting from the HSE

With the weather turning more seasonably cold – temperatures of 21°C in November are concerning, not just “unusual” – the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has this week highlighted their advice on “working in cold and wintry weather”.

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HSE stats on health and safety identify further challenges

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) “Health and safety at work, Summary statistics for Great Britain 2022” have been released, and as always makes for some interesting reading/comparison.

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What are the benefits and risks to different types of fire extinguishers?

In the last twelve months, whilst conducting assessments for many of our customers, I have noticed new fire extinguishers coming onto the market and being adopted by organisations across the country.

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Data Centre Operators – who should be requesting fire risk assessments for your tenants in your data halls?

Whilst working in Data Centres, I am often asked if we can provide a cost for a tenant’s fire risk assessment through the Data Centre Operator.

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Managing fire safety in a sustainable world

In recent years, both fire safety and sustainability have moved to the top of our priority lists. Most Facilities Managers strive to achieve both goals simultaneously, by keeping their occupants safe from fire and reducing their buildings' impact on the environment.

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Who is undertaking Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessments?

According to PAS 79-1 Fire Risk Assessment Part 1: Premises other than housing Code of Practice, a Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessment is very different to a Fire Risk Assessment.

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DVSA highlight the risks of fake copies of the Highway Code

This week the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has highlighted that fake copies of The Highway Code are being sold by several online retailers.

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When should you undertake a Fire Risk Assessment following a building refurbishment?

According to PAS 79-1 Fire Risk Assessment Part 1: Premises other than housing Code of Practice ‘the fire risk assessment should be carried out only when the premises are in normal use’.

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