When should you undertake a Fire Risk Assessment following a building refurbishment?

Victoria Teer 2022

Victoria Teer
3rd November 2022

In the case of a refurbished premises, there may be a need to carry out a Pre-Occupancy Fire Risk Assessment before the premises is fully occupied. This is usually determined by the scale of the refurbishment. This can be undertaken once handover has been completed, but before the premises is fully occupied. The purpose of this is to determine the fire safety control measures required prior to occupation. Often seen as a way of formulating a fire safety snagging list that can be rectified to improve life safety measures prior to occupation.

Alternatively, if only relatively straight-forward alterations have been made, it may be more suitable to wait and go ahead with the Fire Risk Assessment when the premises is in normal use. By this, there is no specific timeframe. However, not on day one when boxes are being unpacked and fire safety induction are in full swing, but equally not in several months when you would be vulnerable to prosecution for not having a Fire Risk Assessment. A few weeks in would seem the sensible middle ground.   

Booking this Fire Risk Assessment in advance of occupation will help to demonstrate your commitment and understanding of your fire safety duties, as well as reducing the chance of a Fire Risk Assessors lead-times impacting upon your fire safety compliance. If you need any help with your fire safety management, please get in touch