Who is undertaking Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessments?

Victoria Teer 2022

Victoria Teer
4th November 2022

They should be “carried out if the end user wants to establish that the construction stage of the building has been completed, the fire strategy has been implemented correctly, and the necessary fire safety design measures have been incorporated prior to hand over and subsequent observation”. It further states that, “it is important that a Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessment is not confused with a Fire Risk Assessment to which PAS 79 refers”.  

Whilst it is clear Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessments should take place prior to practical completion and before occupation, who takes on the responsibility of commissioning and delivering such assessments? Is this the owner, occupier, the designer, contractor undertaking the work or the managing agent about to take over? Whoever it is, has the conversation even started on if any parties want such an assessment? If the answer is yes, who should undertake the assessment? It would seem another demand of the short supply of UK fire engineers.      

I’d say it's a vital document to form part of the new ‘Golden Thread’ of information now required as part of the Building Safety Act, but would the Duty holders and Appointed Responsible Person(s) even be aware to check they have this type of assessment?

Which leads to my final question, is the scope for Pre-Occupancy Fire Safety Assessments going to be considered in the secondary fire safety legislation and guidance we all eagerly await in 2023?

If you need any help with your fire risk assessment, please get in touch.