Single use plastic is not the only waste issue

Further to the Government announcement this week on single-use plastic (see our insight by my colleague Kimberly Senior, dated 16th Jan 2022), it’s good news but are we still going too slow on waste?

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Where does it say in the legislation, I have to do that?

l am often asked what the specific legal requirement is for all manner of things. The reality is that few things in health and safety are this strict with the onus on duty holders to manage risk using various guidance, competent advice and based on risk assessment.

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The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 come into force

Laid under Article 24 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order “Power to make regulations about fire precautions”, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No.547) came into force this week (23rd January 2023).

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Firefighters' battle continues five years after the Grenfell Tower disaster

It was revealed this week that a dozen firefighters who battled the deadly Grenfell Tower inferno have been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

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A ban on single-use plastics in England

A ban on single-use plastics in England has been announced in January 2023, which includes a range of polluting single use plastic products from use, from October 2023 in England in its aim to eliminate avoidable plastic waste.

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Wellbeing in the workplace – what trends are we seeing?

This week the IWFM has launched the latest findings in a series of mini surveys through their Sustainability Special Interest group (SIG).

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The temperature turned up for climate change in 2022

This week the Met Office confirmed that 2022 was the UK’s hottest year on record, with for the first time the average temperature topping 10°C.

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The workplace environment needs to be good, whoever is working there

Surveys and polls continue to indicate people are continuing to work away from their traditional office. In February 2022, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that “more than 8 in 10 workers who had to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic said they planned to hybrid work.

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