The temperature turned up for climate change in 2022

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
6th January 2023

Modelling of the climate past and future then provided further and more startling context to this finding:

  • With and without “historical human climate influences”, the likelihood of a mean UK temperature of 10°C was calculated, and in a non-affected setting, the outcome was once in 500 years and on current climate data, the expectation is every three to four years; and
  • Climate model projections to 2100 (under a medium emissions scenario), calculated a 10°C UK average temperature to be an annual event.

The change in language from climate mitigation (reducing) to climate adaptation (coping with change) we saw at COP27 look well founded. 2023 is likely to be a very hot year globally too and we are in a La Nina phase which naturally cools!

Against this we have a reported growth of “green hushing” - organisations not talking about or substantiating their environmental claims and Governmental policy more aimed at short term fixes for current issues than a long and sustained plan. 

Discussions on net zero and emissions targeting need to be turned into effective management. I finished my session at the IWFM London Region conference in November 2022 with quote from a previous IWFM sustainability survey report, which said,

“Workplace and Facilities Managers are the lynchpin to drive this transition in organisations. They bring together the needs of owners, end users and the supply chain. Without them sustainability cannot be achieved.”

If our profession wants an opportunity, here it is.