Access Policies and Statements

Unlike most of the compliance legislation in the UK, The Equality Act 2010 (previously the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)) is anticipatory, but still requires those responsible (employers, service providers, etc.) to make reasonable adjustments/ provide auxiliary aids, be it for access and egress or use of buildings, service and facilities.

Usually it is an access audit that will determine your individual circumstances and so what could constitute a reasonable adjustment either now or potentially as needed in the future. Adjustments could range from, for example, the need for accessible parking spaces/washrooms or better contrasting of steps and transition routes to the “loosening” of door closure mechanisms or improved signage.

Your access policy and access statement are documents that should define what and how you want to achieve as an organisation in providing usability and inclusiveness for all potential users, be it buildings, service provision and/or facilities. For newer buildings the start may be the Design and Access Statement - now required as part of the planning consent application process for most premises. This will cover the any inclusive design features put in place and from which you can add your additional adjustments made and processes put in place.

With our team of National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC) registered auditors, either as part of an access audit, or, we can support and help you develop your policies and access statements to facilitate ease of use for everyone.

 Access Audit Logo


If you would like expert, independent advice on accessibility within your building, please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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