Legionella Management Review

Legionella management is one of those subjects where several people and organisations are involved in parts of the solution, so how as a duty holder do you get the information you need to demonstrate your success? Or put another way, when was the last time you asked a question and you didn’t really get the assurance you wanted from the answer given?

Our strategic-level Legionella management review is the tool you need, to accurately assess your current management, benchmark your position and provide an overview of performance that allows you to focus resources effectively.

Adopting the Health and Safety Executive HS(G)65 Plan, Do, Check, Act process and utilising trained, competent and experienced Legionella management consultants together with our extensive accreditations supporting the process, our Legionella management review is designed to deliver you a valuable, high level, strategic reporting across the key elements of your compliance. Above all, it is also completely independent of any third party vested interest.

Often asking questions you may never consider; each review is also tailored to your organisational Legionella management needs. It includes clear information on your level of compliance together with a detailed action plan of where improvements can be made. Specifically, the review process covers a site visit, with documentation audit and information gathering from discussion with the relevant key stakeholders. It will:

  • Determine your actual level of compliance against your policy and legal duties;
  • Identify the level of control and risk management you have in place for all your water systems and services;
  • Assess the levels of, documented responsibility and written schemes of control; and
  • Review your operational performance.

In total, an Assurity Consulting Legionella management review provides you the reassurance that your current system is meeting relevant legislative requirements or helps you identify where your management system requires improvement. It gives you an action plan to achieve these improvements.