Fire Warden Training

Fire warden training (sometimes referred to as fire marshal training), is an essential part of making sure your fire management systems are effective and those responsible for managing as well as supporting them know what to do. It is not just about fire emergency evacuation either, while an important and intrinsic part of the whole, your fire wardens and others should also be acting as your eyes and ears when it comes to aspects such as hazard spotting/reporting.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force on 1st October 2006. This clearly puts responsibility for fire safety management with employers and those who control premises, including:

  • Article 21 - includes the specific requirement for training
  • Article 15 - requires the need for procedures for serious and imminent danger (and danger areas) i.e. fire drills
  • Article 18 – Safety assistance (fire wardens etc)
  • Article 20 - Provision of information to employers and the self-employed from outside undertakings

Assurity Consulting offers a range of fire-specific training to support you in meeting these requirements and is designed to provide a practical picture of the fire warden’s role and its responsibilities, first and foremost in minimising the risks of fire, and secondly in what actions should be taken if a fire occurs at your premises.

All our fire warden training is tailored to your requirements, using your buildings policies and procedures, and can include the following elements:

  • The financial cost of fire;
  • Legal responsibilities;
  • Why is good fire management so important?;
  • The physics of fire and smoke spread;
  • Fire warden responsibilities;
  • Fire prevention;
  • Your emergency procedures; and
  • Fire extinguishers (provision of fire extinguishers not included).

The sessions combine classroom and practical exercises, usually delivered in-house, and tests on understanding can be provided where required. Delegate packs are provided to all attendees, and certificates of attendance on completion of the course.