The future's in the air

6th February 2024

Central London


08:30 Breakfast and networking
09:00 Welcome - Air, the big picture - Greg Davies
09:45 Networking break
10:15 Air, wellbeing, productivity and strategy - Emma Smith and Joanna McNie
11:00 Q&A with the expert panel
11:20 Summary
11:30 Close


The “Wind of Change” has been blowing through the workplace with force recently. The “Atmosphere” around “The Air That I Breathe” is an aspect that transcends both the building operations and the occupants, affecting everything from building user health to productivity.

So, our first seminar of 2024 with a music theme will consider indoor air quality (IAQ). Is a more defined strategy needed for organisations to “Breathe” more easily about the topic, recognise the real effect (if any) some of the changes being made are having, and to give the occupants the assurances they need?

Our team from Assurity Consulting will be leading the way. Greg Davies, Director of Market Development will be looking at the big picture with regards to air and some of the issues it poses globally, nationally, organisationally, and personally.

Emma Smith, Consultancy Services Manager and Joanna McNie, Consultancy Services Deputy Manager then take a deeper breath, and consider the benefits an effective strategy, plan, and information on your IAQ can have for you and your organisation.

Come and join us for our breakfast seminar on Tuesday 6th February 2024 08:30-11:30 for a morning of all things air and perhaps you will leave with something to sing about too.


Greg Davies 2022

"Air, the big picture"

Greg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
Read more about Greg
Emma Smith 2022

"Air and productivity"

Emma Smith, Consultancy Services Manager, Assurity Consulting
Read more about Emma
Jo Thomas 2016

"Air and wellbeing"

Joanna McNie, Consultancy Services Deputy Manager, Assurity Consulting
Read more about Joanna

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