Water Quality - Management Policies, Systems and Reviews

Do you know where your water is being used in your premises and what effect it is having on the health welfare and process efficiency of your systems and service? In other words, what is your water management system like?

While aspects such as Legionella are relatively well understood, we can often take the quality of our drinking, hot and cold, heating, chilling and processes (manufacturing, irrigation, etc.) for granted. From health implications to asset life and cost these systems can have a significant impact if not kept in mind.

You need a clear understanding of what you are managing. Not just what and how either, but the ability to demonstrate success to everyone from the end user to senior management and enforcers.

Assurity Consulting has a rich and award-winning history in supporting organisations to manage their obligations for the water they use. From setting up realistic and objective policies to management systems and system reviews we can help you with all of it, independent of any vested interest. This means you get a water management system proportionate to your risks and relevant to your organisational objectives.