Environmental Management System – ISO 14001 Consultancy and Training

Your environmental management system should provide you with the mechanisms and processes to identify, manage, monitor and control the impacts your organisation has on the environment. So, whether it is climate change, resource management and/or promoting sustainable practices it is there to support you and your organisation in its aims and aspirations.

Like ISO 9001 (for quality management) and ISO 45001 (for occupational health and safety) ISO 14001:2015 provides the structure for environmental management system. It is also part of a wider family of ISO 14000 standards covering environmental responsibilities (audits, labelling and life cycle analysis, for example). ISO 14001 can be adopted individually or integrated into other existing ISO management system.

Our environmental consultancy team are well versed in the requirements on not just achieving but maintaining this standard, indeed as an organisation we’ve successfully maintained our own ISO 14001 accreditation for over 15 years. With a range of skills covering aspect and impact assessments, legal requirements, practical implementation, audit and reviews we are very well placed to support you too.  

Couple this with our training designed to introduce the concept of the ISO 14001 standard and cover key elements such as:

  • An introduction to environmental management;
  • Environmental policy;
  • Environmental management planning;
  • Implementation and
  • checking; and
  • Management review.

It also combines the information you need with case studies and group exercises for all those responsible for developing and implementing your ISO 14001 environmental management system.