Miracle on COP 27th Street

7th December 2022



09:30 Open
10:30 Close


With the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) having recently concluded, sustainability will no doubt still be on the festive agenda. But what could it mean for those managing buildings, who are already at the sharp end of managing the post COVID-19 workplace, the energy crisis and net zero aspirations?

Are sustainable practices in many organisations really just “imposters”, unconnected, un-cohesive activities masquerading as CSR and ESG, or are we starting to see the real deal emerging?

Joining Greg Davies, Director of Service Development, Assurity Consulting will be Sofie Hooper, Head of Policy at IWFM, and they will take a wide look at the topic of sustainability, what the issues are for those managing workplaces and what the future could hold in light of COP 27:

  • How has history influenced, workplace, FM and building management in sustainable practices?
  •  Where does IWFM see emerging themes?
  • What the planning for the future might hold? 

Please register to join us on Wednesday 7th December 2022, 09:30-10:30 for our final webinar of the year and look to see what umbrellas may be left at our firesides!

Greg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting

Greg can draw on over thirty years in compliance management, across market sectors and in a range of subject areas (Legionella, fire, asbestos, health and safety, sustainability and access). Using this combined experience Greg is increasingly being asked by customers to brief and update their boards of directors and governors on health, safety and environmental compliance.

Greg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting

Sofie Hooper, Head of Policy, IWFM (Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management)

Sofie leads the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management’s (IWFM) wider policy and public affairs work, helping to raise the voice of the Institute, its members, and the wider workplace and facilities management sector. While her work covers a wide range of areas and activities, Sofie’s core agenda is formed by sustainability, workplace, building safety, and EDI - all of which she often discusses in her regular contributions to the industry press.

Sofie Hooper, Head of Policy, IWFM (Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management)