Just in case - should a building safety case be for everybody?

11th October 2023

Central London


09:30 Breakfast and networking
10:00 Welcome and introduction - Greg Davies
10:15 Interactive session - Victoria Teer and Lauren Lee
11:00 Networking break
11:30 Fire legislation update - Dean Dixon
12:00 Q&A with the expert panel
12:20 Summary
12:30 Close


Following the tragic events at Grenfell Tower, now over 6 years ago, the subject of building information and safety has been in sharp focus, as have many other aspects of design, construction, and property management.

While there is now a legal requirement for “in scope” buildings to produce a building safety case, will the knowledge of the process become equally relevant to all commercial premises?

Our final in person seminar of 2023 takes our experience working with several end users to look at fire safety management and buildings safety cases in a bit more detail, such as:

  • Who needs to do them?
  • What are they?
  • When are they needed?
  • Where do I get the right information?
  • How do I write the report?

Together our host Greg Davies and presenters, Lauren Lee, Deputy Consultancy Services Manager, Victoria Teer, Consultancy Services Manager, and Dean Dixon, NFCC Primary Authority Lead Officer from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Fire Rescue Services will bring perspective and experience to the discussion, as well audience participation in assessing what your building safety case should look like.

So, whether you’re “in scope” currently or not, investing the time to join us on Wednesday 11th October 10:00-12:30 for breakfast and an interactive session, could be invaluable in building your building safety case.

Greg DaviesGreg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting

Greg can draw on over thirty years in compliance management, across market sectors and in a range of subject areas (Legionella, fire, asbestos, health and safety, sustainability and access). Using this combined experience Greg is increasingly being asked by customers to brief and update their boards of directors and governors on health, safety and environmental compliance.


Lauren LeeLauren Lee, Consultancy Services Deputy Manager, Assurity Consulting

As well managing multiple major customer accounts, Lauren is also Service Leader for Fire Safety Management Services, positioned as the main point of contact for the business and developing, implementing and reviewing policies, procedures and report templates in line with legislative updates/changes.


Victoria TeerVictoria Teer, Consultancy Services Manager, Assurity Consulting

Victoria holds NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management, Fire Safety and Risk Practical certificates and is an Associate Member of The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE). She is also a registered Access Auditor with the National Register for Access consultants (NRAC). Victoria provides leadership and management to a team of Consultants in the business, as well as having management responsibilities for all our fire and access related services.


Dean DixonDean Dixon, NFCC Primary Authority Lead Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service

Dean started his career in the fire sector as a maritime fire fighter, later going on to a health and safety career, where he took responsibility under a civilian contract for the health, safety and fire compliance at HMP Brixton. During his time in 'the nick', Dean taught prison officers on the use of breathing apparatus for snatch rescue. Before joining the fire service, Dean had a career in the retail and distribution sector as the national fire safety specialist, becoming involved with the Primary Authority Scheme at its introduction into the fire service in 2014.      

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