Gathering together - the latest on ‘Martyn’s Law’

26th March 2024



09:30 Open
10:30 Close


Terrorism (Protection of premises) draft bill (also known as “Martyn’s Law” the Protect Duty) continues its way through our legislative process. The legislation is designed to keep people safe, reducing the risk to the public from terrorist attacks at public venues.

Currently out to consultation, the proposed law is looking to scale up preparedness against terrorist attack and could affect premises/venues having a capacity of over 100 people attending events.

Our next webinar on 26th March 2024, is going to look at the current situation with Martyn’s law in the context of event management and we’re delighted to have Andrew Sanderson, a Partner and Head of the Health and Safety Team at law firm Fieldfisher LLP joining Greg Davies, our Director of Market Development.

Greg will be setting the scene by looking at some of the current issues around event management from a health and safety perspective. Andrew will be reviewing the draft bill, discuss the drivers behind the consultation, the possible format of the proposed legislation, along with what will be required of organisations to make sure they are meeting their obligations.

Our speakers

Greg Davies, Director of Market Development,
Assurity Consulting

Greg can draw on over thirty years in compliance management, across market sectors and in a range of subject  areas (Legionella, fire, asbestos, health and safety, sustainability and access). Using this combined experience Greg is increasingly being asked by customers to brief and update their boards of directors and governors on health, safety and environmental compliance.

Greg Davies

Andrew Sanderson, Partner and Head of the Health and
Safety Team, Fieldfisher LLP

Andrew’s industry expertise is in relation to the transport sector with particular expertise in road transport matters including Public Inquiries before the Traffic Commissioners and Transport Appeal Tribunal, defending road transport prosecutions in the Magistrates’ and Crown Court, health and safety, corporate manslaughter, and Coroners’ inquests.

Andrew Sanderson

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