Ask the audience - who wants to be a workplace professional?

15th February 2022



09:30 Open
10:30 Close

So, to start our webinar series for 2022, we’re all in the hot seat and we would be delighted if you could join the audience and participate.

Through a series of polls and debates we’re going to be asking the audience for your thoughts and experiences on “the £million questions” as to what will actually influence the future workplace environment. 

Our panel, all who’ve been at the frontline of managing and monitoring buildings and their environments, includes expert Assurity Consulting employees and our customers. They will be nuancing our discussions and sharing their experiences on the factors that have and may still see workplace professionals providing the right answers for the ‘new normal’.

Our speakers:

From Assurity Consulting:

  • Greg Davies, Director of Market Development (Facilitator)
  • James Campbell, Senior Consultant and Air Quality Lead
  • Mireille Stocker, Consultancy Services Manager
  • Vicki Filby-Filson, Senior Consultant and Health & Safety Lead
  • Emma Smith, Consultancy Services Manager

From Charles Stanley:

  • Lee Tanner, Head of Property and Facilities

From Kantar:

  • Paul Callan, Head of Facilities