A golden era for health and safety, but what’s next?

4th June 2024

Central London in-person


08:30 Breakfast and networking
09:00 Welcome - Greg Davies, Assurity Consulting
09:15 Session 1 - Mireille Stocker, Assurity Consulting
10:00 Networking break
10:30 Session 2 - Kathryn Gilbertson, HCR Legal LLP
11:00 Q&A with the expert panel
11:20 Summary
11:30 Close


The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (HSWA) 1974 celebrates its ‘golden anniversary’ this year and it has become one of the most influential pieces of legislation we have.

With a range of other jewels in the form of statutory instruments (regulations) having in the intervening years shone and in instances dimmed (from over 200 to approx. 100 today) the HSWA has, so far, endured the test of time as a gem in our regulatory crown, but what does the future have in store?

With a moving health, safety and wellbeing agenda, pressure from increased non-financial risk reporting and attitudes towards social, economic, environmental and reputational risk changing, will the next 50 years see the need for a new setting?

Questions we will be mining for answers include:

  1. How is the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act really being used in today’s enforcement environment?
  2. What might the future hold for your health and safety/risk management?
  3. What are the trends shaping today’s health and safety provision?
  4. Are your senior management really aware of their health and safety responsibilities, now and what might be coming?
  5. Can you reassure employees returning to work their workplace is safe now and in the future?
  6. Have you recently assessed your health and safety objectives, and do they meet your needs suitably and sufficiently?

Our next breakfast seminar on Tuesday 4th June 08:30-11:30, is going to examine these questions by looking at where we’ve come from, where we are, and what could influence the future of health and safety in the UK.

As a ‘carat’ we’re delighted to have Kathryn Gilbertson, Partner at HCR Legal LLP, joining from Assurity Consulting, Greg Davies, Director of Market Development and Mireille Stocker, Consultancy Services Manager to provide both a legal as well as practitioners view of the topic, and hope you can join us to put the clarity of your perspectives into the mix too.


Greg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting

Greg can draw on over thirty years in compliance management, across market sectors and in a range of subject  areas (Legionella, fire, asbestos, health and safety, sustainability and access). Using this combined experience Greg is increasingly being asked by customers to brief and update their boards of directors and governors on health, safety and environmental compliance.

Greg Davies

Mireille Stocker, Consultancy Services Manager, Assurity Consulting

Mireille is a Chartered Member of IOSH and is listed on the national register of Occupational Safety and Health Consultants. Mireille has management responsibility for all our health and safety services, she also takes a lead role in training consultants to deliver our external training courses. Mireille is also a qualified coach and coaches her colleagues within the business. 

Mireille Stocker

Kathryn Gilbertson, Partner, HCR Legal LLP

Acknowledged as a ‘leader in the field’ by the Legal 500 directory, Kathryn has over 30 years’ experience advising and defending businesses on regulatory compliance matters, specialising in environment, health and safety, fire safety, food and more, and with previous experience as an Environmental Health Officer makes Kathryn uniquely placed to give insightful advice.

 Kathryn Gilbertson

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