Reminders from across “the pond” as we come into Legionella season

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
30th May 2022

This comes just a month after the Hawaii State Health Department confirmed a third case of Legionnaires’ disease in a visitor to the Grand Islander by Hilton Grand Vacations in Waikiki. Two previous cases were reported from the same hotel in March and June of 2021.

California’s Coachella Valley has also seen a spate of cases over recent months with at least 20 people confirmed with Legionnaires’ disease, of which two have died and 14 hospitalised. While the source remains unknown, The CDC and State Department of Public Health have shut down several systems in the area including pools and hot tubs as part of their investigation.

As we approach our summer months in the UK, it is traditionally the time we most cases of Legionnaires’ disease occur (approx. 60% of them). With an increase in temperatures and potentially still more variability in the use of buildings, maintaining effective control will be key. Here are five questions you may want to consider:

  • Has your Legionella risk assessment been checked and reviewed so it remains relevant to your building’s operation?
  • Has your written scheme been updated to capture any changes in your water system(s) management?
  • Has there been any staff changes in those administering your controls and do they need training?
  • Are your records indicating any areas of any water system to be regularly identifying out of parameter results? What is being done about these?
  • Do the roles and responsibilities for your building water management accurately reflect the current situation?

If you need any support with your Legionella management, please get in touch.