Plans for living with COVID-19

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
24th February 2022

As part of the Government “Plan for living with COVID-19”, the major changes see, from today (24th February 2022):

“You will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. New guidance will advise people who test positive to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

You will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if you are an unvaccinated close contact, and will no longer be advised to test for 7 days if you are a fully vaccinated close contact. New guidance will set out precautions for reducing risk to yourself and others.”

In addition to advice on vaccinations, testing and if you are/feel ill, areas covered in the guidance include:

  • Keeping yourself and others safe
  • Let fresh air in if you meet indoors. Meeting outdoors is safer
  • Working from home
  • Limit close contact with other people
  • Wash your hands regularly and cover coughs and sneezes
  • Understanding your personal risk in different settings and scenarios
  • Travelling in the UK and abroad
  • Businesses and venues

For all businesses, the guidance reminds employers of their legal duty to manage risks to those affected by their activities and the need to follow the principles set out in the working safely guidance.

This means the carrying out a health and safety risk assessments (including the risk of COVID-19) and taking reasonable steps to mitigate the risks you identify. Assurity Consulting has been supporting many organisations in different sectors with their COVID-19 management, so please get in touch if you need anything from specific advice to a review of your current or planned arrangements.

The link to the Government guidance is:- Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread - GOV.UK (