Here comes the sun

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
21st June 2023

Consequently, we’ve already seen our first amber weather warning and Heat-Health Alert (HHA) of the year, issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office, covering the 9th-12th June 2023.

The Health and Safety Executive have also produced a press release, reminding employers of the hazards high temperature can pose, as well as range of “simple and cheap measures” they can take, including:

  • Making sure workplace windows can be opened or closed to prevent hot air from circulating or building up;
  • Using blinds or reflective film on workplace windows to shade workers from the sun.
  • Placing workstations away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Putting insulation around hot pipes and machinery;
  • Offering flexible working patterns so workers can work at cooler times of the day;
  • Provide free access to drinking water;
  • Relaxing dress codes if possible;
  • Providing weather-appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • Encouraging workers to remove personal protective equipment when resting (ideally in shaded areas) to cool off; and
  • Sharing information about the symptoms of heat stress and what to do if someone is affected.

Is adverse weather factored into your risk registers, and what currently do you have in place to help staff know what to do in such events? Getting in front of and proactively managing these risks, should mean you are “alright” too, this Summer and beyond.