Getting carbon management in scope

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
24th June 2022

The profession has more alignment with organisational carbon than any other business department, so without their input how successful would any programme be?

In looking to establish what the prevailing trends are, as well as building on over a decade of historic data, during 2022 IWFM is launching series of four surveys targeting specific areas of sustainability.

The first of these is covering carbon and net zero. Created by the IWFM Sustainability SIG and in partnership with Inenco, the outcomes will help to inform our marketplace of the challenges and opportunities we face, so how we best shape our future activities to best effect. 

Closing on Friday 8th July 2022, the survey should take no more than five mins to complete and it can be found here:

This week has also seen SFMI and BAM FM launch a new carbon calculation tool to drive FM decarbonisation. Working with a “critical review panel” that included groups such as RICS, IWFM and IEMA, in-house FM teams and outsourced FM providers, two connected outcomes of the work include:

  1. FM outsourced providers to measure corporate greenhouse emissions in an industry comparable way. Helping to compare industry net-zero targets.
  2. FM providers and in-house FM teams to identify the operational emissions that they can target within the scope of their work, helping to create bespoke, client-specific zero-carbon pathways.

Carbon and net zero are themes likely to be with us for the foreseeable future. Particularly until the intricacies of Scope 3 emissions are properly understood by organisations, the extent of the challenge may not be fully apparent. By continuing to review and survey our marketplace, it is hoped through the work being carried out by the Sustainability SIG at IWFM, that we can help continue to create content, that supports all our efforts to get greenhouse gases down.