Our independent guides cover key areas of health, safety and environmental legislation and duties.

Workplace guides

Closed water systems – how do I deal with a Pseudomonas contamination?

Microbiological contamination (sometimes referred to as “biofouling”) of closed water systems can be caused by a number of different micro-organisms including Pseudomonas. This can cause a range of issues such as; blockages preventing water circulation and the failure of equipment in the system such as pumps and valves.

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Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 - how could it affect my organisation?

The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 came into force across the UK on 6 April 2008. Contrary to some reporting, it did not introduce any new safety laws or legal obligations but it has removed obstacles that had previously hampered the prosecution of, in particular, large companies.

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Corporate responsibility (CR) - why is it important?

Corporate responsibility (CR), or corporate social responsibility (CSR) as it can also be termed, has a myriad of definitions, but primarily concerns the responsibility an organisation has for the impacts of its activity and decisions on its stakeholders, society and the environment, over and above its legal obligations, through its transparent and ethical values and behaviour.

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COSHH - What does it mean to me?

Exposure to hazardous substances at work can put peoples’ health at risk.  The COSHH Regulations require employers to control exposure to hazardous substances and to prevent the ill health of employees and others who may be exposed to hazardous substances in a work activity.

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What is Cryptosporidium?

Cryptosporidium (plural Cryptosporidia) is a genus of microscopic parasite which inhabit the intestines of animals and infected people. First discovered in the early 20th Century, it is responsible for causing an intestinal illness called cryptosporidiosis. Both the parasite and the disease are also being more commonly referred to now, especially in the US, as “Crypto”.

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Do all workplaces need a defibrillator?

There are currently no laws enforcing the provision of defibrillators in the workplace, however the HSE state that your First Aid Needs Assessment may identify a defibrillator as a need. IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health), the British Heart Foundation and the Resuscitation Council UK do however recommend that they are available to save lives.

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Display screen equipment (DSE) risk assessment - why is it important?

The use of display screen equipment (DSE) means using devices or equipment that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen. These are extensively used in the office environment. As part of any good safety management system, it is necessary for risk assessments to be conducted on the use of display screen equipment, to make sure of compliance with legislation and to reduce any risks which may arise from the use of DSE to the user.

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What is important to know about drinking water quality: Coliforms?

Coliform bacteria are a large group of various species of bacteria. They include faecal coliforms, which are found in abundance in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, and also non-faecal organisms, which can be found in water, soil and on vegetation. In general, coliforms are not normally the cause of serious illness, but because of their origin and ease to culture they are used to indicate that other more harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, may be present.

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