Charlotte Collins - Customer Administration Senior Coordinator

Charlotte Collins, Senior AdministratorI joined Assurity Consulting as a Customer Administration Coordinator in July 2021, when I was looking for a new administrator role to continue my professional career. Since, I have been promoted to Senior Customer Administration Coordinator in January 2023, and support a number of our Consultants and major accounts.

In the Administration team we work behind the scenes to look after our Consultants and customers. What I enjoy most about my role is how varied it is. In one day I might be raising Purchase Orders or booking hotels and flights for our Consultants. However, I also might be proofreading our bespoke reports and answering customer queries - talking to all kinds of people! This makes every day really interesting and entertaining. I also like getting my teeth into different projects, which I get to do lots in my role as well!

I’ve had some great training opportunities with Assurity Consulting. I was able to become qualified to carry out internal audits when the company funded my BSI Internal Auditors Training - something I wouldn’t have necessarily been able to attain by myself. I have also completed my IOSH training, and myself and my colleagues also attended a dyslexia awareness course with the British Dyslexia Association - which was a really enlightening session.

There are lots of things I love about working for Assurity Consulting. One would be how the company really pays attention to each employee’s skills and supports their personal development. My skills and contributions were recognised early on, and as a result my hard work was rewarded when I received my promotion to Senior Customer Administration Coordinator in 2023. It’s great to be in a role where I’m able to really utilise my skills and potential!

Another thing I love about being a part of Assurity Consulting is the people. From day one I felt at home and slotted in instantly with my colleagues. I’m lucky to work with a really nice group of people, and I had a really good feeling from the company from the get go. You can tell that the business really does care about employee wellbeing.