Adam Curtis, Marketing Supervisor, Assurity Consulting

As Marketing Supervisor at Assurity Consulting, my job role is hugely varied - one minute I can be organising an event in one of London's most prestigious buildings, and the next I can be putting together artwork to go out to our mailing list of 3000 facilities management professionals, updating our website - I believe is one of the best in our industry - or using social media!

I have been with the company since 2003, straight from sixth form, starting in the Finance team as an Office Junior. An opportunity came up in the IT team as IT Administrator in 2007 and I jumped at it, and had 4 years experience in the role. In 2011, an opportunity arose in the Marketing team. With my creative flair and experience in DTP software and Photoshop, along with my ability in HTML, the role was perfectly suited.

The best thing about Assurity Consulting is the people I work with. It makes a massive difference having the right support network around you, that are able to work together to produce the very best end result. Considering there are a number of very different personalities in the business, everyone gets along really well!

In my time at Assurity Consulting, I have learned a lot about myself and my own abilities and have generally grown in confidence. I have also learned a lot about how a business works - such as budgeting and planning, and the importance of every small cog in a complex machine!

I have also up-skilled, by learning Adobe Creative Cloud apps such as Illustrator and InDesign, HTML and web-coding, Crystal Reports, Sage Line 50 accounting software, as well as skills such as networking, adapting conversation and tone in different situations, being more self-aware - things they don't necessarily teach you at school or college! I have also gained skills in event organisation and meeting those important deadlines to make our events successful and enjoyable for all!

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