Assurity Consulting's Corporate Responsibility 2022

Our 2022 Corporate Responsibility achievements

We believe that for a business to be successful, we cannot be indifferent to the society in which we operate. To have a positive impact on our employee wellbeing, and the world around us, we choose to invest in the following key areas:

  • Workplace;
  • Marketplace;
  • Environment; and
  • Community.

In recent years, we have also looked to improve our positive impact even further by aligning our business with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, to provide a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. In 2022, we have made progress towards a number of the goals, which we believe demonstrates our commitment to our employees, marketplace, and our local community. You can read more about the goals on the United Nations website here.

To find out more about our achievements throughout 2022 take a look at our Corporate Responsibility Report 2022 here.

Pictures of the Assurity Consulting team having fun