Assurity Consulting's Corporate Responsibility in Q3 2023!

As a business, we don’t just give our customers advice on how to make sure their buildings are safe and compliant, we also look to use our position to make a real difference to our employees and our local community. As we progress into Autumn, we look at our third quarter’s successes when it comes to our corporate responsibility.

For employee wellbeing, we’ve held various social events – from ice-cream vans at our office to catering events in our car park, and golf days for all the company. It’s great to be able to get together company-wide for a social event. For our caterers, we also used Sussex-based businesses that use local ingredients both to support our local community and to work with businesses that are mindful of their environmental impact.

The food was delicious. Thank you so much for organising that and thank you to management for looking after us.

Our employees have also been able to make use of our ‘Make a Difference Days’ – one paid day our employees receive per annum to support a charity or cause of their choice. Employees have been using their day in different ways such as supporting their local school, giving students professional insight at the Collyer’s Challenge of Management, and volunteering for a day at a local charity Forget Me Nots.

You were kind enough to enable one of your employees to spend the day with us last Friday, I am just writing to say a huge thank you. They arrived promptly, were willing and keen to join in with activities, and were so lovely with our members. It was lucky for us that they were with us on this Friday as we were short of volunteers due to illness. - Wendy Wilson, Chair of The Forget Me Nots Crawley

We also supported our employees to take part in the Tough Mudder in Crawley this year – to raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice. Our team of four conquered the incredible 10km challenge, taking on twenty obstacles in the mud. In total, they have raised an amazing £707 so far, a great success! We have also taken part in two golf days with St Catherine’s Golf Society Days – events which raised over £5000 each for our local hospice.

We’ve also continued being active when it comes to careers in our local community – supporting a careers fair at Hazelwick School to broaden the horizons of their students, and the local community at the Horsham Jobs and Skills Fair 2023 as well.

Finally, we are proud to say that we have already smashed our 2023 fundraising target of £3250 – with funds already reaching £3653, and counting!

We’re already excited about our activity for the rest of the year – from our Christmas Jumper (or Christmas outfit for some!) competition to raise money for local children’s charity Springboard, to employee events such as comedy nights, catering events, and more! Watch this space to see what we get up to.