Noise Management

Noise can affect not just our health, but productivity and workplace satisfaction. So, the type of noise assessment you need, and the approach taken can depend on what your requirements or the issues are. Remembering that: 

  • Direct health issues associated with excessive noise at work (deafness, tinnitus, and other conditions) affect 17,000 people in the UK
  • Noise in the workplace can also be a “nuisance” leading to productivity loss, increased stress and anxiety and so staff dissatisfaction with their environment.

Statutory noise from a health and safety perspective is covered by the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. This places a duty on employers to assess, and as needed to identify measures to eliminate or reduce, the risks to employees from exposure to noise.

Typically, this will comprise a formal noise risk assessment and considers the exposure averaged over a working day or week and the maximum noise employees are exposed to in a working day, against set exposure/peak pressure values.


  • Noise risk assessments
  • Noise management review

Nuisance noise in the workplace, on the other hand, is more likely to cause dissatisfaction. Depending on your environment (e.g. office, warehouse, manufacturing) and factors as wide as, the time of day, duration, frequency, and of course volume, it can affect different people in different ways. Too little noise can also be as distracting as too much!

Checking what the noise levels are and looking at means of reducing them, providing work rounds, or even changing activity times are simple but often effective solutions.

So, whether it is statutory or nuisance noise you need to know how it could be affecting you and your organisation.

If you need expert, independent advice on your health, safety, and environmental concerns, please call us today on tel. 01403 269375 or email us for a detailed, confidential, and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

Read our independent guide on noise in the workplace


Knowing your situation

Knowing your situation

Having Assurity Consulting monitor noise in your workplace, whether it is statutory or nuisance, gives you the management information and so the peace of mind that you need.

Qualified advice

Qualified advice

Our noise consultants are qualified to and experienced in providing the level of testing and measurement you need to accurately assess how noise may be affecting your workplace.

Effective solutions

Effective solutions

Once you know where and what your noise levels are, you can then put in place, often simple and effective solutions to meet your legal requirements as well as improve productivity.

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Noise Management

If you would like expert, independent advice on noise management within your building, please contact us for a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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