
Create custom inspection forms for routine tasks that can be deployed, completed, uploaded, and used as the basis of your compliance management.

Flexible and customisable

The forms you are able to create are flexible and fully customisable to the specific data you want to collect. With many different field types, the options are yours if you need a basic checklist or a more detailed health and safety inspection. In addition, you have the ability to create reports from the data you are capturing (from single or multiple sources), offering a further management tool for your compliance.

And as we have developed the inspection forms as template based, they are non-limiting in their design. Each document can be configured with relevant workflows, to simplify data entry and make sure of the best user experience, and most effective way of capturing information.

User-friendly interface

The user-friendly interface doesn’t require any technical experience to get you started, but for more complex operations, support will be on hand to guide you. The intuitive functionality of the inspection forms module can also be used to aid in ‘going paperless’.

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More information

If you would like more information on Assurity Plus 2.0 property risk management software for your organisation, please contact us for a demonstration and a detailed, confidential and without-obligation discussion of your requirements.

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