Possible interruptions to UPS warn HSE

Greg Davies 2022

Greg Davies
Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
11th March 2022

Following a spate of recent investigations by HSE into dangerous occurrences resulting from failures of with onshore UPS systems, the issue relates to:

“Information prescribed in some original equipment manufacturer's (OEM’s) standard operating and maintenance instructions relating to industrial UPS systems may not be adequate to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation for the intended design life.”

In all cases the HSE investigations found that, “the information for maintenance included in the OEM’s operating and maintenance instructions did not provide adequate information to allow the continued safe and reliable operation of the industrial UPS systems prior to the incident.”

Designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers, maintainers, and end users of industrial UPS systems have all been identified as needing to take action, as have major hazard sites.

A link to the HSE Safety notice is: Maintenance of industrial uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems - HSE