Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Katie Howard 2017

Katie Howard
Consultant, Assurity Consulting
30th September 2022

Neurological profiles are dynamic and may change overtime with age or due to an incident.

Awareness needs to be raised around neurodiversity as it is estimated that 1 in 7 people in the UK are neurodivergent. As a hidden disability, it is often overlooked by employers, meaning that often physical disabilities are prioritised over neurodiversity in creating an inclusive workplace. 

With the publication of PAS 6463:2021 Design for the mind – Neurodiversity and the built environment, now is the time to utilise this guide and consider the inclusivity of the workplace for those with cognitive impairments, to reduce the barriers and make reasonable adjustments in-line with inclusive design.

Disability and Equality Awareness training is a good place to start, to provide staff members with the appropriate understanding around different disabilities, whether it is physical or cognitive. Whilst it is important that all staff receive this training, the priority should be with front of house staff.

Where employees have disclosed their disability, it is important that discussions are held with them to understand how accessible and inclusive they find their workplace, and work together to adhere to their needs and make those important reasonable adjustments.

Conducting an Access Audit will provide you with an insight on how accessible the premises is for all potential users, including those who are neurodiverse, significant barriers to access will be identified and suitable recommendations made on how to create a more inclusive environment. Remembering that barriers are not just physical, they may relate to a lack of company policy, procedure, training and those all-important auxiliary aids. So, if you need any help with accessibility in your workplace – please get in touch.